Let’s Go To Tokyo

I returned to Tokyo today on an older but still extremely comfortable train, the Spacia.

Isn’t that a cool logo? I learned from my ‘mistake’ of riding steerage class on the Spacia-X (and yes, even the cheapest seat had been fantastic) and this time sprung for a private cabin:

It was ridiculously roomy and can very comfortably seat four:

In fact it was so comfortable I even fell asleep for about 20 minutes! And how much did I pay for this luxury private two hour trip to Tokyo? About $43!

I was on the same side of the train as my trip to Kinugawa, which means my views were all different. Above is very typical of what I saw: lots and lots and lots of rice fields. In the middle of one a farmer had built a miniature model of Fuji, complete with painted white top. Unfortunately I wasn’t fast enough to snap a picture.

And now I’m back in Tokyo and the above room will be my base for the next six nights. It’s the same hotel I spent 11 nights in last June, so there’s an element of nostalgia being here once more. Kristin told me if I didn’t return home with loads of quality gifts for her she’d burn all my trading cards and turn Zoffy against me so I better start shopping!

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