Shop Till I Drop

It rained overnight and as I headed to the laundromat this morning (at 5 am!) it was still coming down. I washed all my clothes and wrote postcards, and by the time everything was dry the rain had ended and the humidity was off the scale. Typical Japanese summer!

These past two days have been almost exclusively shopping and since I’m in my favourite shops on the entire planet you can appreciate I’m having fun 🙂

Today I took the train to Nakano Mall which I visit every trip and many times I wished I could take more than two suitcases back because I saw so much I would have loved to buy.

I saw the above arcade game today, and I can’t recall ever seeing it before. It’s a music game with a full keyboard control method, so you’re ‘playing the piano’ as you play the game. You have to hit keys to match the notes coming down the screen and it’s a lot of fun! I only played once but that was three songs and the game lasted maybe 20 minutes! As you can see, I nearly mastered it. I reckon a music game fan with actual piano experience (such as SFL) would love this!

This relentless shopping cycle will continue – with a few notable asides – the rest of this week. Kristin’s given me her list now, and you can bet I’ll hop all over Tokyo to so my best to fill it (and of course pick things up for myself too).

As usual I’ll blog what I bought when I return, and I’m going to do a few dedicated posts for some of the more interesting things I see in shops this week. In fact I think I’ll do one right away…

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