
After travel that included a flight cancellation, rerouting, delays and near luggage loss, we managed to both get on the same plane in LA as planned, and make it here at the same time.

Here is Brisbane!

The weather is beautiful and Brisbane is full of people. We’re staying in a lovely old hotel right next to the CBD and spent most of yesterday just wandering around.

And of course eating, since neither of us ate on the plane.

It’s a beautiful downtown, wrapped around the river as it does. On the other side from our hotel is a waterfront park and all sorts of attractions. We rode the Ferris wheel, but even though it was early afternoon I was pretty ruined by then and fading fast; it’d been over 40 hours since I had slept!

I went to bed at some ridiculous hour (it was still sunny out) and here I am at 3 am wide awake and hungry as a beast. I wonder if anything is open…?

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