
We had a big snowfall today. At first the forecast was for 1-6 inches in total, but (for once!) they underestimated a lot.

Both our works closed. Public transport and flights were canceled. All schools and universities too. The local paper dubbed it snowpocalypse.

It started slow but by mid morning fell at over 2 inches an hour. While it didn’t last long, when it was over we were covered!

One thing that made this a little unusual was that it was also very cold today. Removing this much snow is never trivial, but it’s a lot harder when it’s -5 C out!

In the end Albany saw between 11 and 16 inches of snow around the region. Our place was probably on the lower end of that, maybe a little over a foot.

It’s been years since we’ve had a fall this great (November 2014 to be specific). It was fun 🙂

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