KLS got me this for Christmas:
It’s a reprint of a book from the 1800s, and contains instructions on how to make a variety of very complex shadow puppets, just like this:
“How hard could this be?” I wondered before giving it a try. Here’s my sheep:
It’s really difficult!!
But I persisted, gritting my teeth and sterling my will, and fought through the agony as I bent my fingers into unnatural shapes to present this astonishing gallery of my new talent. Can you guess what each of these animals are?
Guesses in the comments please 🙂
1. “Simpsons”-style ape
2. Some sort of bird with a crest…or possibly a camel
3. Man with the top of his head shot off (poor bastard)
4. Some other sort of bird with a beak like a crab’s claw
5. Leprechaun
1. An excellent Gorn from Star Trek
2. Jabba’s palace, cheating though, not an animal
3. Poor attempt at an urRu from the Dark Crystal
4. A failed Alien chestburster?
5. An okay Ghostbusters terror dog