Lego Bridge

I got two similar-but-different kits for Christmas last year. I made them both today. First was this one:

I’d never made one of these miniature scale Lego architecture kits before and to be honest had dismissed them as an ‘executive toy’.

But it was a fun build and looks pretty good once made, especially considering the small size. It was easy and took only a half hour or so to make. But is Centerpoint Tower really black?

The other kit was this one:

I’ve got a bit of a love-hate relationship with nanoblocks. I like the tiny size of the blocks themselves, but feel the engineering needs some tweaking to increase the adhesion between individual blocks when assembled. In other words, these can be too fragile!

They’re also a bit fiddly to assemble. The bridge here in particular was trickier than it should have been and when I accidentally dropped and it exploded I had to start again almost from scratch! Eventually though, I got it done and here it is:

That’s a normal sized Lego minifig for scale.

I like how both kits felt the need to include boats on Sydney Harbour and the nanoblocks kit even went one step further to use the right colours for the ferry. These were quick and simple fun, but here’s hoping my next Lego Harbour Bridge will be some massive technic model 🙂

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