Bucket Wheel Excavator

‘Twas mayhaps ten moons since I be purchasin’ this one:

Bigger’n any before methinks. A kings ransom it cost too! Me hews burned with the lifting:

The innards are here fer ye to assess. The manual itself be breaking a titan with its weight!

Makin’ the thing was the devils work! I be capable of some smarts meself, but this was summin’ else! It took hours and days and me fingers were worn to the bone during.

Horribly, the act got tougher as it went. “The things too big!” I says to old mate Yossie, as she mewed from unner the table! How was I gonna gets the pieces into one thing?

But I never give up! And in the end, with a bit of sweat, a bit of blood and even a sprinkle of forbidden magick, it all cames together! Here she is:

I dunno how because it’s much too complex for an old dog like meself, but the beast even works when the dials are turned and the switches switched! It’s slow as a legless horse though, and clicks and vibrates like it’s gonna blow! I think I’ll be keeping the magic far away from it for this reason.

It’s too, too big too. Too big! Why they make summin’ this big?

And who’s the fool like meself who be buyin it?

3 Responses to “Bucket Wheel Excavator”

  1. Bernard says:

    Were do you keep all these legos!

  2. mycroft says:

    “Aliens” (UK) on Commodore, I think. The colours don’t look quite right.

    “Hire Hare” on Amstrad.

  3. Robert says:

    Avast ye have have a keen eye!

    Yer only error was tiny indeed; the first was CPC and not C64!

    And to the question of the one before ye: ain’t ye in the market for some Lego? 😉