
Today we drove (on a tour bus) about two hours to a port called Doolin from which we boarded a boat destined to Inisheer, the smallest of the three Aran Islands.

It’s s tiny place and you could walk around it in a few hours. In addition to the town itself (population about 250) there is a ruined castle, a wrecked ship, a beach and hundreds upon hundreds of stone walls made of piled limestone rocks.

The walls are fascinating. I’d seen similar in Scotland but never up close. I’m not sure how old they are on the island but in the mainland some are over 4000 years old! And in most cases the rocks aren’t even mortared!

We were on the island – left to our own devices – for about two hours before it was time to head back. But instead of direct to Doolin the boat first took a cruise past the Cliffs of Moher.

These are 700-foot tall cliffs rising from the Atlantic and running about 8 kilometers north and south. Our tour took us up to the top of them as well, for equally stunning views:

Lovely it was. But it was also sunny and hot (especially on the boat) and we’ve now both had an Irish sunburn!

Plus it was a very long day, and twice as exhausting. I think on that note it’s time to close my eyes and have a sleep 🙂

ps. I endured nearly two hours on boats in the Atlantic today without even a whisper of illness! 

2 Responses to “Inisheer”

  1. jf says:

    Such beautiful sights!
    So glad you didn’t get sick this time.

  2. alma says:

    The luck of the Irish was with you today and you did not get sea sick. Lovely scenery. Great trip. You will both sleep very well after such a great day.