Lovin’ It Long Time

The Big Mac turned 50 last week, and I felt it my duty to enjoy another one of the delicious hamburgers that I’d been tasting for close to 40 years.

After two failed attempts, I managed to con persuade L, J and Y to go with me to the nearest Golden Arches, where we were promptly served like so many billions before.

When I was a wee lad, my standard order at Maccas was always the reliable Happy Meal, which in those days in Oz came with a ‘junior burger’ (the plain hamburger). Big Macs were just for adults, and specifically my dad. I was happy with my Happy Meal.

But then I went to Maccas one time with someone else – a schoolmate or our cousins – and saw someone my age order a Big Mac. I was probably about 10 at the time, but from that point I realized Big Macs weren’t just for adults and never looked back.

There’s my order on Monday. The standard Big Mac meal, which in this instance came with a very underwhelming serve of fries (I hadn’t eaten any)!

I’ve ordered the above countless times in my life. In fact for about a decade in my teen years I almost exclusively ate at Mickey D’s and always, always just got the Big Mac meal. Except when I used to get two… but let’s forget those poor decisions!

You all know I’m a fussy eater. One thing I don’t like is sauce on my food. Every other burger I ever get anywhere has no sauce – no ketchup, mayo and certainly no secret sauce. But I make an exception for the Big Mac, because I always have.

I infrequently get McDonalds in the USA, and the rare times I do it’s usually just a Happy Meal (in an airport). I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a Big Mac over here.

Of course everywhere else in the world it’s another matter! I’ve eaten Big Macs in Japan, Germany, France, England, Ireland, Scotland and Puerto Rico. I bought something at Maccas every day during my recent Australia trip, and a lot of times those purchases were Big Macs.

So how was it? Well I have to be honest and say delicious! Yes it wasn’t (half!) as good as McDonalds is in other countries, but the basic taste was the same I’ve enjoyed for much of my life. I loved it, I guess you could say.

Of course – of course – I got sick afterwards and wallowed in regret. But that’s part of the McDonalds experience isn’t it?

And what of my lunch mates…?

None of them ordered Big Macs 🙁

In fact if it wasn’t for me reading about it last week I wouldn’t have known just by going into the restaurant: there were no signs or banners or celebration of any kind. Just another day in the 50 year life of the worlds favorite hamburger I suppose?

One Response to “Lovin’ It Long Time”

  1. Florence says:

    Hot damn I am hungry. I wish I could have gone out for lunch! I would have ordered 2 Big Macs ?