Operation NYC

Last weekend we took a two-night trip to NYC.

We hadn’t been for years, and just wanted to shop and eat and visit a museum.

We took the train down, which is always fun, and stayed in a nice hotel right in the middle of the CBD.

It was very cold! But the streets were filled with people and we didn’t let the temperature stop us 🙂

After we arrived we hit the shops, somehow managing to drop mad dollars at Kinokuniya. Naturally I bought a load of postcards as well. Did you get one yet?

The next day after breakfast we visited the Intrepid, and aircraft carrier docked at a pier right in the city.

It’s part of a museum that includes a submarine, Concorde and even a Space Shuttle! It’s very good and highly recommended.

After a siesta we managed to drop even madder dollars at Koreatown cosmetics and Kpop shops before heading into Times Square for some lights!

And how pretty they were! If I look nervous in this shot it’s only because my face was freezing off.

Then the next day – after a bit more k-town shopping – we traveled home in our own private ‘roomette’ on the train. It even included a meal in the dining car.

It was a great little trip. We’ll probably make this a regular getaway 🙂

One Response to “Operation NYC”

  1. Florence says:

    Looks fun! In the second to last pic of you, at first glance it looked like you are wearing overalls!

    It looks so cold in NY. It was in the 70s here on Monday! ?