The Panoramas

I took many panoramic photos on the recent Scotland trip, and was unable to blog any from my phone. Here’s a few of the better ones. Note that all of these are very large images; click on them to see them at full resolution.

Loch Lomond from a viewing tower on the southern shore. This was early in the trip during the drive to Oban, and early in the morning as well. Misty mountain views like these are common in Scotland, and always pretty.

The seaside town of Oban, which was our base for the day-long trip to the Hebrides islands of Mull and Iona.

A lake formed by a dam that we passed by on our way from Oban to Portree. The shore was just endless rocks with many cairns. The lake was mirror-still and it was eerily quiet.

View from the Quiraing peak at the north of Skye. This was like looking at a fantasy world, but not as much perhaps as…

The Fairy Glen, also on Skye. As far as natural beauty, this place was probably the highlight for me. Can you find Kristin in the photo?

This is Neist Point, also on Skye (the westernmost edge). The day was so clear and fine it felt like we could see forever, and I spent some time standing there looking for basking sharks in the water, since we had been told you could see them occasionally.

And lastly the mystical Ring of Brodgar on Orkney, which is so old no one knows who built it, or how, or exactly when, or for what purpose. This was old when the pyramids was built and yet still stands. One day it will be taken by the water, and I’m glad I got to stand between it’s stones before that day arrives.

Scotland was the most scenic place I’ve ever visited, and I hope in some small way these pictures give an idea as to what it was like to see sights this these in person.

2 Responses to “The Panoramas”

  1. mycroft says:

    Halfway between the summoning circle and the goblin cave, then across to the right.

  2. alma says:

    These panoramas are very beautiful. We both loved Scotland. We are still receiving the postcards. Great blogs.