Savoring The Adventure

Behold, a birthday gift I received from my brother:

As you know I’m a bold and adventurous eater, so of course I could hardly wait to try! Needless to say the master chef in me read the instructions carefully (and checked to see it was within the sell-by):

Here’s what it looked like before preparation:

Add some water:

After sitting nine minutes:

And beautifully served:

Now I’ll admit I was leery. The smell had frankly turned my stomach and it looked more like spaghetti-in-a-can than the gourmet beef and pasta creation I myself am known for.

But I’d come this far and wasn’t going to stop:

The verdict: it was shockingly good!

At this point I’ll share a small anecdote. Last year on Orkney I purchased for myself an instant spaghetti product packaged like a ramen. I ate it one night before painting a series of Ring of Brodgar postcards and was astonished by how good it was. It was, at the time, the best instant meal product I’d ever eaten, and if you were impressed by the quality of my Brodgar watercolors know my belly full of instant spaghetti helped drive the creative spirit that night.

This product though: it’s better!

Yes it’s overly tomatoey (and will likely give me reflux due to acidity) and yes the meat pieces feels like eating pencil erasers and yes the noodles themselves lack any strong consistency (I suppose we won’t care about al dente after the nuclear war?) but – and I say this clearly and without sarcasm – I greatly enjoyed it and almost ate it all!

So there. Two thumbs up. Recommended. Get some!

3 Responses to “Savoring The Adventure”

  1. Bernard says:

    Good that you liked it. It was well reviewed.

    I wonder how it would be after 30 years?

  2. Florence says:

    Omg… Super taster status is revoked!!!!! Lol… XD

  3. mycroft says:
