Farewell T1

My digital camera has given up the ghost. I can’t say for sure how, but something is definitely wrong with the CCD. A bit of tinkering has failed to correct the problem, so it is with this final shot that I retire the old boy for good…

dsc02966.JPG < Self Portrait

This camera served me very well for about 5 years. I took a grand total of 12966 photos with it (an average of over 7 a day) in many locales including Japan, Australia, Hawaii and good old home. Countless memories were captured with it, so it’s a little sad to say goodbye after so long.

Even though it’s obsolete by todays standards, I still love the styling, picture quality and speed of this model. I wonder…could anyone out there have another DSC-T1 that they are not using they may want to ‘donate’…?

2 Responses to “Farewell T1”

  1. jf says:

    I must have one somewhere. I’ll look.

  2. Bernard says:

    Time for you to upgrade to this bad boy: http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/specs/Sony/sonydscw300.asp

    There’s also the DSC-T300 a descendant of your DSC-T1, but it hasn’t been received all that well.