Tokyo Interlude: Answering Your Questions

I’m doing laundry and waiting 90 minutes for the dryer to finish so now is a good time to answer some of the questions I’ve not been asked so far on this trip. Apologies in advance for making up paraphrasing your question, and for referring to you by initials.

KLS asked: Seen many gaijin?

In a word, no. I didn’t see any foreigners at Universal Osaka, or in Osaka in general. I never heard any language other than Japanese spoken in trains or shops either. This is mostly true for Tokyo so far, although yesterday at Nakano I did see some German losers getting overly excited by Dragonball cels.

JK followed up: But what about Akihabara post office?

Oh yes I forgot! It’s true that the place is inundated with otaku mailing loot home, and yesterday I witnessed a crowd of Koreans packaging up One Piece figurines for postage. It’s also true that the post office seemed exclusively staffed by pretty young women. I did not however see any of the alleged limited anime stamps you can apparently buy there.

KAB asked: What are you eating?

Garbage mostly. My diet is at least 30% Kit Kats. Breakfast is often McDonald’s. Gourmet (ie. cheap) spaghetti is often chosen. I’m in the culinary capital of Earth and I’m eating trash. But even the trash here is delicious 🙂

SMC followed up: What about those rice balls you told me about?

There’s one above, a ‘salted rice ball’. Just rice with very light salt. It’s shown with convenience store chicken pieces (like popcorn chicken). I went on an absolute bender and ate Osaka almost empty of rice balls: up to four a day. Then my body revolted so I stopped. But the allure is hard to resist and I may eat them again today. They’re too good! Incidentally rice ball snacks are very common in oodles of varieties:

But I always just get the plain type!

ZS asks: Hi dad; is it true what I heard that you’re back on the sauce? Meow!

Don’t worry little girl, it’s only for this trip!

SFL asks: Any shopping regrets so far?

I try not to ever regret anything, but if it were easy to get back I’d probably return to a few Osaka shops and maybe buy things I put back a few days ago. Such as this:

Or – if I was feeling particularly insane – these two Wizardry games:

But there are several days yet, and who knows what else I may find?

AW asks: But isn’t it true you can’t even play some of the Japanese FC and SFC games since they don’t work on US consoles?

(No comment)

AW persisted: So what you’re saying is you’ve bought some games you can’t even play unless you buy a Japanese console?

(Wry smile)

BS interjects: You’ve actually bought a Japanese console?!?

The answer as of right now is an emphatic “no”. But to quote a wise man: “there are several days yet, and who knows what else I may find?

JBF asks: How many trains have you caught?

Good question! Let me think… ok as an estimate, I’d say about 22 so far. Maybe 30-35 before the trip is done? It’s easy to catch 4 a day in Tokyo.

MMS asks: Seen any squirrels?

A timely question, since last night I learned of the existence of a free-roaming squirrel park called ‘Machida Squirrel Park’ that has a gigantic enclosure where you can hand-feed squirrels. It looks amazing but isn’t easy to get to at all (3 trains and a 50 minute walk each way). Next time I visit with KLS though we’ll have to make the trek. I haven’t seen any squirrels yet myself, but plan a walk through the nearby park and will keep an eye out.

JAF asks: Any weird photos you’ve taken that defy explanation?

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