
It was exactly a year ago today we lost our beloved cat Yossie. That was a difficult time, and the tears still flow if we spend time thinking about it. She was a big part of our lives.

But time moved on, as it does. The sad memories fade; the happy ones strengthen. And as all cat-lovers do we eventually took a new cat into our house. You already know who I’m talking about: Zoffy!

I did an update a couple of weeks after we adopted her, but that was almost a year ago and now that Zoffy has grown into an adult I thought it was time once again to feature her!

She’s all grown up now! At about 12 pounds she’s almost half-again as heavy as Emi and not too far off Yossie at her peak. As you can see Zoffy has a lot of dense fur which sometimes makes her look chubbier than she actually is (especially around her chest). She’s also got a ‘dirty mouth’ and a dark fur patch right under her jaw. Both are charm points!

Virtually every day since we adopted her she has eaten her own meals from these plastic bowls I bought from Target. We’ve settled into comfortable routine: she gets a breakfast when I do, and a ‘cat soup’ when I have my dinner. She sits and waits for both, except in the morning when she follows me around from when I get up to when I feed her. She loves her special foods! (Emi doesn’t get special food, and wouldn’t eat it anyway. She’s happy with her kibble and occasional treats.)

From a young age she adopted this pink puffy cushion as her own and she now sleeps on it every day and most nights. Her claiming this was – and is – quite adorable, since this was also Yossie’s cushion, and the two are very alike in personality.

This is most apparent in how close Zoffy and I are (much like Yossie and I were). We always know where each other is and usual what we’re both doing, and when I’m home she’s almost always very close by if not in my lap. Every weekend I usually spend hours in our library working on crafts or hobbies and she’s usually right there with me πŸ™‚

She’s got her own hobbies too of course, and still lots of ‘kitten energy’. We maintain a good pile of paper and boxes in the dining room so her and Emi can play in and amongst them!

She’s also sometimes maybe a tiny bit naughty, such as here when she got inside a recliner for a bit of carousing. There’s also been claims I can’t keep my study door open like I used to do since a fuzzy bandit might jump up on my desk and steal some figurines… but no one has ever witnessed who this bandit actually is πŸ˜‰

She’s also got a newish habit of looking out our side window. This is somewhat unusual in that no other cat has ever shown interest in this one, but almost every day I find her sitting on the chest looking out. I wonder what she watches?

She’s a wonderful cat, big in personality, charm and love. She’s not Yossie – no one will ever replace Yossie – but Zoffy filled the void and has effortlessly worked her way into our hearts. I look forward to many, many years of joy with sweet ‘little’ Zoffy πŸ™‚

5 Responses to “Zoffy”

  1. J K says:

    I love Yossie yossie and Ppooppoo forever <3<3<3<3<3

  2. alma says:

    Loved this blog. It is a wonderful remembrance of Yossie, and a charming salute to furry cuddly and cute Zoffy.

  3. mycroft says:

    Next-level pic selection, mate. I feel like I know Zoffy πŸ™‚

  4. mycroft says:

    Additional comment from my mother, who happened to be nearby when I was reading this blog entry:

    “She’s beautiful! I don’t know why they always take dogs to old people’s homes. They should take cats.”

  5. Robert says:

    I’ve passed the nice words on to Zoffy, and she accepted them with grace and humility πŸ™‚