Eats A Pizza

Time for some more lockdown cooking! I’m guessing most of you tried the meat boats and loved them so now you can follow up with my new creation: The Golden Slice

Start with a pizza base. You can make it yourself or buy one, but make sure it’s not too big, not crispy and not too thick. I use small Boboli brand bases, about my handspan in diameter. Even that’s too big though, so I cut them in half!

Next cover it with a tiny amount of pizza sauce. You’ll want the blandest sauce you can find (no garlic or herbs!) and you want to put so little on that you can barely taste it in the finished product. In other words, just a misting of sauce: I probably put a bit too much on in the above photo.

Next lightly sprinkle it with cheese. I use a packaged ‘pizza blend’, but you can adapt to your taste. As with the sauce less is more: you’ll want to have maybe a 75% density, single layer of cheese.

The ‘magic ingredient’ is Canadian bacon! This is a rare type of ‘bacon’ that is (secretly) ham from Canada. It’s probably unique to where we live since we’re so close to Canada so if you can’t find it you can just use normal ham. Whatever you use, cut it into tiny bits.

The second ‘magic ingredient’ is crushed (not sliced) pineapple! Delicately arrange it on the cheese so it’s more or less uniform. Again less is more, but don’t worry too much about going overboard since fruit is good for you.

After the pineapple you put the Canadian bacon on, again trying for uniform coverage. There’s a lot of fine tuning in this last step: you want it to look as delicious as it will taste! The above shot is the finished product…

And here it is after 9 minutes at 450 F. Doesn’t it look fantastic?! Here’s a better shot with a food filter:

So original! So golden! So scrumptious! I think this may be my culinary masterpiece, even surpassing my spaghetti!

Why not try it yourself and let me know how it turns out 🙂

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