Selling Cards Again

Sort of a sequel post this time. After making unexpected money selling the Pokémon cards a few weeks ago, I decided to do the same with some of my Magic The Gathering cards. Specifically I thought it was time to sell any doubles I never used, as well as anything that had ‘value’ since all they were doing was sitting in a box.

If I could get a few hundred out of selling some extra magic cards, why not do it?

So I spent several hours sorting through my collection and extracting the cards that I doubted I would ever play. The vast majority of there had never seen play, so parting with them was easy. (I did a pass of the few decks I don’t intend ever breaking down first, to make sure the above weren’t useful in the decks.)

I priced the cards on the website I was selling as I went along, and didn’t bother selling anything that I would get less than $0.50 for. As I continued I became astonished by how much I could sell certain cards for, like the land in the above picture which I’ve owned for over a decade and never once put in a deck.

I ended up packing up about 140 cards and sending them off to one of the internets foremost MTG sites to sell them. The exact amount I would be paid would depend on card condition, but 99% of the cards were unplayed so I wasn’t worried about them ripping me off.

This cheque arrived yesterday:

An average payment of over $7 per card! Not bad for items that were literally in a box unused, especially when I was initially optimistic about getting about $250! This represents many years of my average magic spending, so given I still have the bulk of my cards (admittedly not valuable ones) you can almost say the collection has paid for itself 🙂

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