Australian Stamps

It’s time for another selection of stamps from the order I made a couple of months back. This time, let’s look through a pack of 200 Australian Stamps.

That’s all of them, with the exception of a tiny amount of repeats. They span about 60 years from 1949 to about 2008. Here’s the oldest one, which was also the only pre-decimal stamp in the pack:

You can see in the first pic that Australia has a standard stamp size (that continues today) in which the vast majority of stamps are printed. The second photo shows the smaller size, with some smaller (older) stamps at the bottom. Australia does of course print stamps in other shapes and sizes than these, but they are usually higher denomination or for specific commemorative purposes.

Looking at this specific selection it’s clear there are a few recurring themes. One is sports, and the above photo shows many of those in the pack. I was surprised by the absence of cricket stamps, but a quick glance online shows they have existed and were simply not in my selection. There were several Olympic themed stamps in my pack as well.

Vehicles were another theme, and I recall collecting some of the plane ones in my youth. The car series is quite handsome!

There were several train stamps as well, from at least four different series over a couple of decades. Obviously a popular topic of Australia Post.

Christmas stamps were extremely common, and this picture isn’t even all of them. Over 10% of the 200 were Christmas stamps, and they’re such a tradition in Australia that they even print Christmas stamp stamps, like this one:

There were actually two different stamps commemorating Christmas stamps!

This got me thinking “How did this company get these Australian stamps?” I bought the packs from a stamp dealer in Canada and I assume his various country selections originated from the countries themselves? Are there companies in Australia that collect used stamps (from envelopes possibly?) to sell to dealers overseas? If so, this could explain the frequency of Christmas stamps since I would expect most Australians are likely to send Christmas cards than use the postage in the rest of the year?

The most common topic – and this has always seemed to be the case – is of course Australian wildlife. Check your postcards I’ve sent you from Oz over the years and you’ll likely see animal stamps on them, including perhaps some of those shown above!

A few other stamps caught my eye, such as these two from series about children’s novels:

Or this example of a stamp about stamps (sort of):

There were many other interesting ones but this post is already too long. As with the previous packs I had a lot of fun sorting these and looking up details on many of them.

I still have more packs to go through as well. What will the next one be? Check back in a month or so and find out 🙂

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