Hanging With The Natives

I wanted to see a macropod, so it was off to Blackbutt I walked!

The last few times I visited, legions of mosquitos descended on me and drained me to within millilitres of death! Today however, the skies were free of the evil blighters. Even better, the car park was almost empty as well and I felt like I had the place to myself.

I ran into this phasianidae preening himself between some trees. He became interested in me when I started snapping shots but I think it’s because he mistook my phone for a snack! I ran away when he got too close 🙂

I saw these pelodryadidae’s hanging in a tank in the nocturnal house. There was a bunch of them chilling together, and they didn’t care a whit for my attention. They were quite large, and to be honest a little creepy in the dark!

The two phascolarctidae were sleeping as they do, forming almost perfect furry balls on their tree perches. I watched them for a while, looking for signs of life, but saw nothing. They may have been fake, for all I could tell!

The vombatidae on the other hand was most definitely alive! He was scurrying around looking for sweet potatoes (I saw the keeper hide one behind a plant) and seemed quite happy in the cool air. I took this photo from above and he looks smaller than he was, which was about a metre long!

But what about the macropods? The sole reason (not really) I visited Blackbutt! Did I see any?

The answer is that yes I did, quite a few in fact, although always from a distance. I also saw two having a funny slap-fight, which I found very cute and amusing.

Afterwards I continued walking to the mall for lunch, and then back home. It was a leisurely five hour walk, and a nice way to relax after the madness of the city.

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