Vivid Again

Did some more shopping and exploring the city:

Before taking a break for packing and eating ‘chicken for babies’ for lunch:

And then in the evening I went out to see the rest of Vivid:

That’s a tiny model; the umbrella was maybe an inch wide. It was part of a series of detailed models in boxes that all used light creatively.

Central Station was spectacular. It’s a massive building and the projection was extremely colourful and very crisp. It animated through various scenes and didn’t repeat in the several minutes I watched.

I also visited The Convergence, which was at the end of a dead-end street. There was a long line when I arrived and since it said the wait was 15 minutes I joined it and amused myself by watching the slow motion projection of a dancers feet that was on a nearby building.

But the 15 minute wait got longer and longer and it wasn’t until almost an hour later than I entered the installation, which was a long tunnel full of lasers and smoke.

It was mildly insane, and at times dazzling, but so full of people I had to get creative to take photos. At the very end the line turns but the tunnel cleverly seemed to continue into infinity:

It was like being in a mad hybrid of The Matrix and Frankie’s Relax music video and while not worth an hours wait was another of the best Vivid installations.

I think I ended up seeing at least 45 of the 47 official Vivid attractions, which means I got my moneys worth (it’s all free)! If I’m ever in Australia during Vivid again, I’ll absolutely make plans to be in Sydney because I think it was great 🙂

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