The Big Birthday Countdown Part Three: 2 Weeks!

I have decided, in my infinite wisdom, to make a living by creating games for the iPhone (& iPod Touch). I’m going to be the designer, and my brother will be the programmer. Of course there are some obstacles in our path (he doesn’t own a Mac, neither of us own an iPod Touch) but these are surmountable!

The first game will likely be the latest in my Mercenary King series. Details to follow…

image21-2.jpg < Fun In The Sun!

In two weeks I’ll be 37, which seems just…wrong. Most of my life I’ve been intrigued by people’s personalities, especially the connection with age. Everyone has a preconcieved notion, as they are ‘growing up’, of how ‘old people’ must act and think, and yet as one ages it becomes increasingly obvious that such notions are wrong. I don’t feel – inside – much different from how I felt when I was 27 or even 17. Sure I am (probably) wiser and have more experience (I have ‘levelled up’, you may say) but I’m still the same me!

So then why is it alarming to look at the numbers of my (soon to be) age? Why do I even think such thoughts as “I hate growing old” when all that seems to be changing to me are the numbers (and not the me)? As much as anyone else I have ever known, I’m not the sort that gives a damn about what others think of me, so why do I occasionally care so much about what I think of myself?

My greatest fear is growing old and losing my mind. I happen to think my mind is quite an asset, and the thought that one day it may simply fade away is the deepest darkest fear in my soul. I suppose, the only truth in my own aging, is that every day (and especially every year) such a possibility becomes ever so slightly more likely…

So I must use my mind while it remains sound! I must use my intelligence and my assets. I must graduate, get out of school, and do something with myself. This of course raises it’s own, entirely different set of problems. But I shall leave them for another entry 🙂

One Response to “The Big Birthday Countdown Part Three: 2 Weeks!”

  1. Bernard says:

    There has been discussions at work about moving some applications I support to the iPhone. That could solve the problem of getting an iPhone development environment.

    However I think in order to target as many potential users as possible we should implement the game as a web application. I’d be open to doing a Java ME game as well, but a web based one would be easier to start with.

    Great photo BTW, I wonder who those little kids are,,,