NYC: United

I woke feeling the weight of two very active days. Many said to me ‘take it easy’ on this trip, and I’ve really tried, but even my east days seem to consist of a lot of exercise!

I ate the remainder of yesterdays sub for breakfast before heading here:

It’s the United Nations. I wanted to once again visit the stamp counter, which had been closed for over three years due to Covid. After waiting in very hot sun to get through the multiple steps of security I was in… and had to wait a bit longer for the stamp shop to open 🙂

Unfortunately the stamp selection wasn’t as large as last time I was there, and they also weren’t selling postcards. I did have some on me (here’s a protip: always carry spare postcards just in case) but hardly enough for everyone. I’ll know next time.

Now I’m on the train in my private ‘roomette’ trying hard not to fall asleep as we travel along. I had fun in the city and I bought me and KLS some fun stuff but it’s a little bittersweet that summer is now coming to an end and work begins again very soon.

I guess I’ll look forward to our fall trip to NYC in only two months 😉

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