A Whole Big Bunch Of Something

Let’s start with a lovely shot of lovely little Emi!

emi1.jpg < Emi-ru

She’s a delight this one, hopping around the house rabbit-style chirruping all the way. Yossie loves her as much as we do, and the endless cat games continue even as I type!

I’m a bit late in this next update but…we got a new fridge! Actually it was a birthday gift for me and KLS, and we’ve had it a few weeks now, but I wanted to make sure it was ‘ready’ before blogging it.

To refresh your memories, here is the old fridge that came with the house (estimated to be 40 years old):

f1.jpg f2.jpg < Eh?

The thing on the right was quite a surprise when we uncovered it πŸ™‚

And here’s the new one, a Kenmore model from Sears:

f3.jpg f4.jpg

The freezer is at the bottom, and opens out as a big drawer. This is both more convenient and more energy efficient. This new fridge has a greater volume than the old one, and is snazzier to boot. But in the state you see above something was… missing…

Ah, of course!

f5.jpg < Ta-da!

Much better!

And since this entry is a list of my significant birthday gifts, in reverse order of importance (Emi says “happy birthday dad!”), here’s one last one:

p1.jpg p2.jpg < Pretzels!

Trust me when I say the made-at-home versions are 95% as good as the ones you buy at the mall. So if you like these things, it’s utterly worth the $10 or so for the kit πŸ™‚

One Response to “A Whole Big Bunch Of Something”

  1. Bernard says:

    Magnets don’t stick to our fridge. πŸ™