Lunatics Only: Retro Shopping

The last of this miniseries for this trip will deal with a few notable items I saw in the retro toy and game shops

Let’s begin with this box of E.T. trading cards. It’s not sealed, and it wasn’t clear how many packs were inside although since it was at Mandarake it was probably complete. I was tempted, but the price (about $125) was just too high. Should I have bought this?

Here’s a series of Star Wars shampoo bottles from the early 1980s! We all used to have some of these, but how many of us kept them! I was tempted by the R2 (about $30) but didn’t buy it. Should I have?

Keeping with Star Wars, how about this plastic ruler from the old Tokyo Disney Star Tours ride. I suspect this is unimaginably rare, but do collectors exist that would pay the ¥28000 (about $175)? Should I have?

You don’t see boxed AD&D figures (from the 80s) much, and even rarer are they in this good condition. It’s a pricey thing though, at about $95. Would you have bought it?

Here’s a true rarity for Japan: a boxed 1980s Doctor Who figure, and in spectacular condition as well. In another time with more luggage space I may have been tempted by the ¥8000 price (about $50) but not this time.

I’ll end with this UFO laserdisc set. I love this show and dearly want to rewatch it all, and why not on laserdisc? This had beautiful artwork but weighed an absolute tonne and was obviously out of the question as a purchase. But at only ¥80 (about fifty cents!) I was very, very, very tempted!

It wasn’t all resisting temptation. I did buy a few intriguing and dare I say ‘special’ items. After I return I’ll showcase a few in a post.

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