Cat Stamps

The other day I received a package from Sue containing over 100 cat stamps! I don’t know the details, but I believe she purchased them from an elderly man selling off his collection. She knew I’d blog these once received, and who am I to disappoint!

Before I begin a brief review: a ‘Cinderella’ is a stamp printed solely for philately, and never intended to be used for postage. These are rarely issued by a government entity; more often made by merchants to profiteer from collectors. Some of these stamps are official in the sense the printer obtains a contract from a country (who receives a portion of sales) but there are also a great deal of fake – illegal if you will – Cinderellas, and it can be difficult even for experts to determine which ones were legitimate and which fake. Some people despise Cinderellas as fake collectibles, but they have their place in philately especially for new collectors, and are still printed and issued today.

As you’ll see many – most? – of these stamps are Cinderellas. But that doesn’t mean they’re not worth perusal. So let me put my detective hat on and start investigating…

All five of the above are ‘illegal’ Cinderellas. The ‘State of Oman’ stamp was part of a series printed by a London forger businessman, the ‘Fujeira’ and ‘Manama’ stamps are fakes labeled with obsolete postal services that are now part of the U.A.E and the Sahara stamp printed by insurgents to raise funds! None of the postmarks are real, and simply printed as part of the stamp design. Cinderellas that are labeled as from African or Middle Eastern nations are extremely common, and these are typical examples.

Here’s another large collection of Cinderellas, this time from Benin (an African nation), Afghanistan and Mongolia (two countries who don’t spring to mind when you think of robust postal services). The Benin and Afghan stamps are catalogued as ‘illegal’ by the United Nations Postal Union (and possible printed by forgers in Hungary) and I suspect the same is true for the Mongolian stamps. Note how similar the postmarks are on the Benin and Afghan ‘stamps’? I speculate they were printed at the same time and place. The source material even looks similar!

Fake Cinderellas continue. The five cat photograph stamps labeled as from Niger were printed in France and have been decried by the UN as blatant counterfeits. Equatorial Guinea is infamous in the annals of fake philately, and these five cats seem to have been printed by a Spaniard and have no connection at all to the country. The last Niger stamp – the WWF Cheetah – is also of dubious origin based on the fake postmark, but I can’t find details online.

I’m not even remotely an expert on any of this, and relying heavily on information I have found online, and as a result I’m going to file all of the above in the ‘probably Cinderella’ category. I’m fairly sure the Cambodian stamps were not issued by the Cambodian postal service, but whether they are illegal or not I can’t discover. The same is true for all the others: Laos, Congo, Nicaragua, Chad, Guinea, Cuba, Azerbaijani and Somalia. On many of these the postmarks are obviously not real, but on others (such as Cuba) it’s a little difficult to tell.

Here we have some examples of what I believe are ‘official’ Cinderellas, which means they were issued either by or with the permission of a government to raise funds via philately. North Korean stamps are a famous example of this – vast quantities of stamps are printed as from North Korea despite it not having a recognized postal service. The Bulgarian ones I wasn’t sure of until I found photographs of examples online with identical postmarks, and Togo is a country known to issue all sorts of non-postal stamps purely for the collectors market.

This block of eight stamps bears the name of Grunay, a never-inhabited island far from the east coast of Scotland. This suggests these stamps are fakes issued by the controversial UK stamp dealer Clive Feigenbaum. These were probably issued in the 1970s and may have even been part of a failed tax scheme. These are the very definition of illegitimate stamps: you or I printing something at home and hand-perforating them would be as ‘real’ as these!

From this point onwards – with some exceptions which I’ll mention – I think the Cinderellas end. Which is to say my imperfect philatelic detective skills suggest that all the remaining are real stamps issued by governments. If you detect otherwise, please let me know 🙂

The top row are stamps from Romania, Vietnam, Hungary and Isle Of Man. The first three are postmarked but unused which suggests they were sold directly to collectors. The Isle Of Man one is real and was mailed on January 10, 1991. The second row are all real used stamps from Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa and Czechoslovakia. The last row has two Tanzanian stamps, and two Angolan. The larger of the Angolan stamps is an obvious Cinderella (the postmark is part of the image) but the other is legitimate. I don’t know if the Cinderella is ‘illegal’ or not.

Three Russian stamps and four Indian ones. I believe these are all authentic, but the postmarks on all the Russian ones seem unusually clear and well-aligned which is typical of Cinderellas. It’s also the case that a large amount of Russian fakes exist, often issued by small Russian states. Perhaps these are examples of that?

The top row are all Malaysian, and were issued in 1922 (the two tigers), 1957 and 1979. The $0.01 black tiger stamp is worth about… $0.01 today!

The Cheetah on the second row was issued in 1963 in Mauritania, and this is a wonderful unused example. The Kenya/Uganda/Tanganyika stamp is from 1938 and features the portrait of George VI.

The three on the bottom are the oldest in this pack Sue sent me. All were printed by France for their African territories (Middle Congo) in 1907. The one on the right bears a Cameroon overprint denoting it was for use in that territory.

And lastly but by no means leastly, five examples from Australia. The middle one is notable: a stamp depicting a Cheetah printed in 1994. Some objectors to Cinderellas say that stamps should by definition have some connection to the countries that print them, but Australia has no real connection to Cheetahs! These days countries print stamps of anything they like and the world keeps spinning (and indeed philately is dying), so maybe all those unusual and random Cinderellas aren’t so bad after all?

Before I end, let’s talk favourites. With so many to choose from it was a challenge to select the ones I liked best, but I finally narrowed it down to the above four. The meowing Manama cat stamp is vibrant and large and – even though it’s a Cinderella – would have looked great on a postcard! Similarly for the Azerbaijani Cinderella: I like the detail of the cat portrait. As for the ‘real’ stamps, I have to give the nod to Isle Of Man showcasing their namesake cats on a stamp, and the engraving of the Mauritania Cheetah stamp is incredibly detailed and the stamp is printed so perfectly it makes me wish we still used lithography for stamp printing today!

This post took many hours and I ended up in many rabbit holes dedicated to illegal or otherwise dubious stamps, which ended up to be a fascinating read. Thanks Sue, for the thoughtful gift 🙂

One Response to “Cat Stamps”

  1. Bernard says:

    I have a sudden urge to print illegal Cinderella stamps at home. I wonder if I can get a perforation tool.