The End Of Dreams

These last two days have been a blur of shopping for ‘goods’, and the sorts of stuff we got I will detail in a post when we get back. Not to mention arcading, and I’m pleased to say after finding Ketsui Death Label and Mushihime 2 in an Akihabara arcade yesterday I’ve now played the six greatest bullet hell shooters on this trip alone!

dsc00658.jpg < Ketsui

Another notable event from these past few days was me eating Magic Apple Pies in the Fibonacci series (0, 1, 1, 2, 3). Seven in four days that would be. I’ll miss these Japanese pies (which are identical to the Australian ones, but far superior to the US ones) in the days to come!


Soon we will begin the 30+ hour leg home, to be followed by the 1-2 days of jetlag!

Stay tuned for a wrapup/souvenir post sometime early next week!

One Response to “The End Of Dreams”

  1. Bernard says:

    KFC here has an apple pie that’s almost identical to the Aussie Maccas apple pie.