Here I Am, Lord

The flight was long and boring and the seats were so hard they damaged my buttock padding. And that’s the last I’ll say about that! Oh, except for the fact the food was apalling. But my seat neighbours were nice, and I was able to read a lot and play my DS a lot. I never slept. Every seat had it’s own on demand station, with 140 movies to choose from (I watched ‘Kungfu Cyborg’, ‘Batman and Robin’, ‘Rookies’ and ‘I Love You Beth Cooper’ [Hayden P. was cute and charming!]) and oodles of TV shows, documentaries and CD’s to choose from. It was amusing, watching everyone viewing something different on their own high-res screen!


When I arrived (customs etc. was a breeze), Adam and Bernard were waiting, and Bernard had an ice-cold bottle of Lift in his hand!


I drunk it immediately, while I was changing money!

We taxi’d back to Adam’s place, and after I cleaned up a bit headed out for lunch. This was Salt And Lemon, a nearby fish and chip shop. Bernard exclaimed it as the best food he’d ever had 🙂

Dsc00059 Dsc00057

Dsc00060 < I could eat this every day…

The next stop (of course) was the grocery store, where A$90 (basically US$90 since the exchange rate is more or less even) was spent on soda and candy. It is an even mix of chocalatey stuff, chips and jubey things. A good portion of it is now gone.

Dsc00069 < Just the chocolate

The evening was a fun mix of giving out (way too many) Christmas gifts and playing MTG. The decks are more balanced than I’d hoped, and we all seem to be winning more or less equally 🙂

Dsc00083 < MTG

Oh yes, dinner was oven pies and sausage rolls! Adam ate the most, because his stomach is larger than that of normal men.

Dsc00086 < The Australian staple!

Incidentally I’ll be keeping a lof of how much of the world’s best soda – Lift – (5% lemon juice!)  I have consumed. Yesterday (day 1) I drunk 3 cans and 2 medium bottles, for a total of 2.325 L of lift. I’m going to wait until the end to calculate the caloric content of all this sugar 🙂

Two random shots:

Dsc00056 Dsc00078

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