Met with Sue and Juliet today and sat for many hours in a restaurant by the harbour just chatting. It was wonderful; just great. Lots and lots of old memories resurfaced. I wish I could do stuff like this more often…
Then Sue and I drove over to my ‘first university’. Here’s the building in which I spent so much time almost twenty years ago:
Note to AW: I went into a computer room just down the hall from our infamous haunt. Whilst the computers were (of course) updated… the room smelled exactly the same!
Here’s a shot of an orb weaver spider spotted just outside mum and dad’s place early this morning. It’s bulbous body had a radius of about 2cm. I could actually see his mandibles working to consume the unlucky insect he had coccooned.
And here’s something for Adam!
They’re not as good as I recall. I think they have been changed 🙁
3 cans of Lift today, and 2 glasses at the restaurant. At this point, I doubt there is much point in continuing the tally :V