Sick Week

We were both sick this past week, each of us taking some days off work and generally being congested and tired and headachey for several days. We’re mostly better now, but this cold is indeed a persistent one.

Not much else to tell, so I’ll add a few shots of Heroscape, which we have been playing again recently. You can see the new snow expansion in these images.

Dsc07588.jpg hs1.jpg hs2.jpg

4 Responses to “Sick Week”

  1. mycroft says:

    Hope you two are feeling better now. I find these bugs usually breach our defences when we’re stressed, so try to take it a bit easier at work/college (not easy, I know) 🙂

  2. Bernard says:

    That game looks interesting, next time I visit we will play that as well as your ps3, xbox 360 and nintendo wii.

  3. Robert says:

    It’s a great game. Amazingly balanced and building the maps from the hundreds of hex pieces I have is a lot of fun.

    I’ll jot you down for a Christmas visit BTW. I’ll certainly have a Wii by then (I’m lining up on 11/19), not sure about the other two 🙂

    Where’s my Momusu DVD’s?

  4. Bernard says:

    DVD’s are boxed and with a bit of luck I’ll have time to send them this week.