Pineapple Juice

For some reason, this morning I have pineapple juice on the mind.


I love pineapple juice; always have and always will. I remember as a child not liking the taste when drunk out of the metal cans it came in, but I’m guessing this was a precursor to my (infamous) hatred of metal in my mouth. One of my schools as a youth used to freeze pineapple juice and sell it during the summer, and I used to get them whenever they were available. I could drink the stuff endlessly, with nary a care in the world.

This continued when I came to America. I used to buy the single-serve Dole cans in bulk, and slug them in one gulp frequently. But as time went on I started to suffer from mouth ulcers badly, and after some experimentation discovered that pineapple juice was one of the major culprits. Sadly, I had to stop drinking it completely, and today a glass of the sweet nectar is a rare treat.

The pineapples in Hawaii are… well their sweetness defies description. Truly one of the very best things I have ever tasted, the locals joke that the Hawaiians keep the good pineapples and export the others. This may be true, since the acidity of the pineapples we get in the supermarket is simply not present in the Hawaiian ones. So during my stay in Hawaii I was able to not only drink the juice like mad (several glasses every breakfast started each day) but also eat the fruit in vast quantities.

The quality of their pineapples alone is almost reason enough to vacation in Hawaii!

I haven’t given up on pineapple juice completely. I sneak a drink here and there (most recently, in Australia). And this summer I have a plan to make my own frozen pineapple treats using the Zoku KLS received for Christmas. One day I hope I can drink it safely again, and that’s the day I’ll stop drinking orange-mango (my current juice of choice) and return to my first love 🙂

2 Responses to “Pineapple Juice”

  1. mycroft says:

    I can’t believe we both posted about pineapple juice at the exact same time. Hive mind! 🙂

  2. Robert says:

    Or… (maybe I ripped off your idea!)

    Sorry :X