There Are Major Doctor Who Spoilers In This Post

First: I love Matt Smith as the Doctor. He grew on me in one episode.

Secondly, I love his companion even more 🙂


Thirdly, just watch this video (disclaimer: major spoilers for Victory Of The Daleks) inspired by last nights episode (one of many already on Youtube):

For the record – silly science aside – I loved last night episode. Still a dalek fanboy at heart I suppose.

I can’t wait to buy a new toy one as well!

One Response to “There Are Major Doctor Who Spoilers In This Post”

  1. mycroft says:

    [Spoilers!] I have a teensy-weensy suspicion Bracewell will become mentally and/or physically twisted and return as either a misguided enemy or a full-on Davros-like megalomaniac. Maybe his Dorabelle (sp?) will reject him. Or his workings will break down, forcing him to make repairs that leave him more visibly machine-like and cause him to be shunned.