Recipe Time!

I’m not the greatest chef on earth, but I would consider myself in the top few percent. If you try my recipes, you can judge for yourself.

Spaghetti Bolognaise


Ground beef
– 1/4 of an onion
– one beef stock cube
– 1 tablespoon of tomato paste
– Spaghetti

Chop onion into small pieces, and cook in a pan with the meat until done. Add the beef stock and cook for a few minutes. Add the tomato paste and cook for a bit more. Place on top of the cooked spaghetti as shown above and enjoy!

Chip Sandwich


– white bread
– potato chips (plain or salt and vinegar)

Put chips on bread. Load massive amounts on, as many as possible. The idea is to put several inches of chip between the bread, way more than you’d think was reasonable. Then push the bread together, with the goal being flattening them so much that the chips compress into a superdense thin chip film. Then eat dry. (Note the image is not representative of my version, which is eaten plain with no lettuce, cheese or sauce.)

If you try either of these, please let me know what you think.

4 Responses to “Recipe Time!”

  1. Bernard says:

    I usually do pasta, without meat, in a pesto sauce with a ton of garlic, red chillies, onion and raw peanuts. The next day I’ll have the leftover pasta with crumbled bacon. A 50/50 mix of bacon to pasta is awesome.

    The chip sandwich was always a favorite. In the past I’ve substituted Chicken Twisties, Cheese Doritos or Burger Rings instead of the chips.

    Also a great variation of the chip sandwich is to use hot chips (fries) as the filling. Perfect with tomato sauce.

  2. Robert says:

    The entry was actually motivated by having a french fry sandwich for lunch.

    Remember when we were younger we’d eat entire family size bags of chips in one sitting whilst watching Doctor Who for hours on a Saturday afternoon? I can remember cramming incredible quantities of salt and vinegar chips onto giant bread rolls and washing down with a 2L bottle of coke.

  3. mycroft says:

    RE: crisp/hot chip sangers – still a regular occurrence for me 🙂

  4. washburnian says:
