Exam: 10/31/06

When x-rays ‘shine’ through a crystal and are ‘photographed’ on the other side they leave a pattern which contains information on the crystal structure not dissimilar to how a shadow contains information on what exactly it was that blocked the light.

However, for various reasons, deciphering the crystal structure from the x-ray pattern is a difficult task (although made easier in recent years as computing power increases) that requires a great deal of physics and mathematics to solve.

One tool in the solution is a mathematical formula called the Patterson Function. At 11am this coming Tuesday – Halloween in America – I will be giving/taking my oral exam and my topic is “Patterson Methods and Crystal Structure Determination”. I will present a 45 minute talk on the Patterson Function and it’s various uses in crystallography, and will be quizzed on the topic by a comittee of three faculty members. I’m not particularly concerned – I have spent about 2 months preparing – but since some of the mathematics is tricky I hope certain questions may not be asked!

5 Responses to “Exam: 10/31/06”

  1. Bernard says:

    Good luck!

    Did I mention I was considering going back to school?

  2. jf says:

    I’ll be thinking of you that morning !! Hope it goes well.

  3. Robert says:

    Bernard: I don’t believe in education for it’s own sake, notwithstanding that seems to be what I am currently doing. In other words, since you seem to have a good, well-paying job, then I can’t see a good reason for you to return to school!

  4. Bernard says:

    It’s true that I’m doing quite well at the moment. If we were to move to India though it’s possible I may have trouble getting a job without a degree.

    I have ten years experience in software development and I usually interview well so I feel that is enough to score a decent job. But in India that may not be enough when every other candidate is brandishing two degrees!

    Personally I’m prepared to take the risk. If we move and I can’t find work within say a year, then so be it, I’ll go back to school, or start my own business. Financially I’ll be retired anyway, I won’t need to work in India.

    On the other hand since it might be five years before we move, I may as well get a degree from some online uni. It’s ridiculously expensive in the US of course. Seems silly to spend $65K on an education here hoping it’ll score me a job in India that’s likely to pay only $15K a year!

  5. Robert says:

    Be sure the online school is accredited. There are many online ‘universities’ out to simply make a profit selling useless ‘degrees’.