The First Day In London

We arrived five days ago, and our first two days here were spent in London.

Day one we were (obviously) tired after the flight – we’d arrived at around 7am. We dropped our bags off at the hotel and decided to take a bus tour of the city to see the main sights without too much effort.

This included such things as the London Eye and Big Ben amongst others.

londoneye bigben

Many of these sights we want to see in more detail, but it was very exciting to see them all from the top of an open-topped double-decker bus 🙂

We were all very tired as well, and at various times all of us were nodding off on the bus! Our ticket included a boat trip on the Thames as well, which was a lot of fun.

Late in the day we headed back to the hotel, including walking through Hyde Park


That’s the lake in the park, called Serpentine.

On my notes I described the hotel we stayed at in London – the Ibis – as a “ripoff hotel with insane internet prices”. And by insane I mean £20 for four hours (that’s about $8/hour). Oh well, here I am!

I don’t even remember how the first day ended, how tired we were.

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