Here’s A Photo Of Me As A Toddler


That’s from the days before video games, when all I needed for an afternoon of bliss was a weird bucket and an inflatable pool.

The photo was taken in 197X, during a holiday at Warrumbungle National Park. We (Dad, Bernard and I) stayed in one of those weird converted tram thingy’s you can see in the back and my memories of the events of the trip are slim to say the least.

Most notable was that a giant monitor lizard got into our tram, or at least I think it did. Maybe I don’t even remember it, maybe I just remember being told about it.

Maybe I was so busy just chilling with my bucket that little else mattered to me on those few sunny days at Warrumbungle back in 197X.

3 Responses to “Here’s A Photo Of Me As A Toddler”

  1. jf says:

    What a cute kid you were !!

  2. Bernard says:

    It might have been 1975, I don’t think I was in school yet. Mum definitely was with us. I don’t remember a lizard on this particular trip but there was a very scary thunder storm during the night while we were staying in the old trams.

  3. alma says:

    Yes, we (the whole family) spent a great holiday in the Warrumbungles in January 1975.
    There was a big iguana, not inside the tram, but busily tipping over the garbage cans and going through them.