More on Yossi

Today is Yossi’s 8th day anniversary as our new pet, so to celebrate here are some more details on her

– She’s unbelievable energetic. Even though we expected any kitten to be a ball of non-stop energy, I’m not sure we expected this
– She’s very clean, and remarkably good at laundry for one her age
– She gets grumpy and sulky when we discipline her
– She likes man-food
– She likes furry mouse toys
– She has a very loud purr
– She loves me more than Kristin
– She wakes us up at night

In short, if you’re keeping track, she’s the reincarnation of Ziggi…

Some more photos to keep you entertained. I uploaded these at a higher resolution, and happily she slowed down long enough for us to get some good non-blurry images:

1.jpg 2.jpg

3.jpg 4.jpg

One Response to “More on Yossi”

  1. Bernard says:

    She’s very cute and the photos are excellent, the white balance looks perfect.

    What is ‘man-food’?

    And I wish we had a cat that could do our laundry! 🙂