Hot Hot Hot


That fellow is a three legged dog, who is probably called Dog-emi. The hand patting him is attached to SMC, and it was with she that I walked the entire Fernleigh Track from Kotara to Bellmont today.


It was very hot today, 37 actually, and the 20+ km walk took us about four hours. I had considered initially walking back again, but that was quickly dismissed as madness. Both Sue and I were well and truly knackered by the time we reached Belmont. A handy KFC provided lunch and a spot to recuperate while we waited for a lift 🙂


That’s Sue! She’s exhausted!


And that’s me! I’m opening a 4711 refreshing towellete! Although it can’t really be seen in this shot, I was sweating like a dog 🙂

As for the track, it’s very good and highly recommended (especially if the weather is cooler). The new section passes through a swamp and part of it is on a raised track above the water. On this particular leg we saw this fellow in a tree:


Look at him! A big goanna, about 1 m long. Everyone in Australia is quite used to these common guys (as once was I) but I find it quite novel now.

After getting back home I just lay around like a zombie for hours. The rest of the day was uneventful, filled with such curiosities as the following:

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Yep, a peppermint Magnum. It was actually a bit too rich.


Lucky says “Goodnight”!

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