I’m In The Airport Now

And so, as we wait for the plane, our vacation draws to a close. The week whizzed by at record speed (as all vacations seem to) but much fun was had.

In my one-man effort to keep an industry alive, I sent 23 postcards this trip. Most of them should have arrived by now. I hope they gave you a smile πŸ™‚

Also, I proved to myself that blogging from my phone (as every post this trip was done) is easy and effective. I’ll have to work out how to do that internationally πŸ™‚

Oh yes, all photos were taken from my iPhone as well, which is a much better camera than my actual digital camera!

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed the travelogue πŸ™‚


One Response to “I’m In The Airport Now”

  1. jf says:

    Every morning I immediately visited your wonderful blog to see what you’d been up to on your vacation. Thank you for taking the time to share!