Take Me Out To The

Yesterday we went to Old Town and did a bit of shopping. I got some souvenirs and many postcards (watch your mailboxes!) I also purchased one of these fetching ‘actual rattlesnake’ belts for my brother, which I will present to him when I arrive in San Jose tomorrow. Maybe πŸ™‚


It turned out my post from yesterday about the after effects of Tent Rocks was premature. In the early afternoon both Florence and I were ruined with sore legs especially and we siesta’d away the rest of the days sun before our evening plan, which was this:


Yes friends, I went to my first baseball game! It was between the Albuquerque Isotopes and the Tucson… um, let’s say they were called the Tucson Parameciums!


We had great seats, as you can see, and they were quite inexpensive as well. Florence was a bit nervous of a ball flying into the stands near us, but luckily it didn’t happen. Although I surely would have caught it if it did πŸ™‚


Vittles included hot dogs, glazed almonds and ice cream (possibly sherbet, sold to me by a girl named ‘Piazza’!), and since the game started at 7 the sun (thankfully) soon disappeared.



In the photos the seats look emptier than the game actually was. One difference I found to the cricket games I’ve been to in Australia is more people were up and about buying food or drink, or just chatting with friends, and the number fixated on the game was quite low. In short: it seemed more a social event than a sporting event!

It was also hot, in the high 80s well into the night. During the sixth inning, several hours after the game had begun and with the Isotopes at a healthy lead, one of the light towers failed and the game was halted. We waited for a while, but with no estimate as to when the game would resume, and because of the heat and our exhaustion, it was time to call it a night πŸ™‚


We’ve got big plans for today – possibly the highlight of my trip here. Expect details tomorrow!

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