About that pain…

That pain in my back I mentioned yesterday…well it didn’t go away. It got much worse!

About 2am I woke up with intense pain in my lower right back. Breathing in was excruciating, and my inability to get comfortable in any position coupled with the fear that it may have been something serious led me to the emergency room of Strong Memorial Hospital here in Rochester, NY.

We (myself, Jim & Joyce) got there at 5am, and checked out around 8:30am. The diagnosis was a torn/pulled muscle in my lower back. This was more or less what I expected, and even though I am told it may take a couple of weeks to fully heal (during which time I’ll probably be on drugs to numb the pain) I am at least reassured that it is not something more serious.

2 Responses to “About that pain…”

  1. mycroft says:

    Glad to hear it’s nothing serious, Robert. That three days’ worth of toil was two days too many! We’re not naturally fit like we were as kids – some muscles rarely get used and complain noisily when they are! But seriously, mate, kick back with the Xbox 360, some manga and your good lady wife, and get well soon.

  2. Bernard says:

    Sounds like *three* days too many of work! It’s strange that it got worse, I would have expected a torn muscle to be painful immediately.