
Last Thursday, we went here:


To see this:


And it was amazing!


He came out and started with ‘Shoplifters Of The World Unite’ – a Smiths song! – and we knew we were in for a treat. What followed was a setlist that contained the best of The Smiths and both the early and recent parts of Morrissey’s solo career. He looked and sounded fantastic. I could only hope I hold up so well at age 53 πŸ™‚


The venue was packed with an audience that skewed quite old! I’d say the average age was about the same as KLS and I, which means lots of old 1980’s Smiths fans were present! To say the audience cheered every time he played one of the classics was an understatement πŸ™‚


The concert was about 75 minutes long, and after the band went off and the audience started demanding the encore, I mentioned to KLS that I was positive it would include How Soon Is Now, which is probably the signature Smith’s tune. And I was not disappointed! They came back on and played probably the best version of the song I have ever heard.

During this encore, security allowed a few lucky fans to hop up on stage and give Morrissey a warm hug. They were all guys, and some of them weren’t much younger than Morrissey! He was very gracious during this, and the crowd roared. It was quite a moment.

Rumour has it that this may be his last tour. He was so good it’s hard to believe him not continuing, but I don’t doubt he’ll never come to Albany again, so we were so happy to have seen him live. Definitely a memory that will last forever πŸ™‚

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