Wreck-It Robert

Let me get this out of the way, this is me right now:


Yessir, I’m still sick. Putting aside the fact I may have tried to look as miserable as possible in the above shot, the truth is I’m still fighting off an evil Australian bug. And you know what they say about Aussie bugs!!!


I had a dilemma yesterday. I discovered that both pairs of shorts I brought with me to Australia were splitting! Since (I assume) it’s illegal in Australia to stroll around with one’s wedding tackle visible, I needed to buy some short pants!

OMG clothes are expensive here! As in $100+ for a pair of name brand cargo shorts, and ~$75 for something normal. I settled for ugly Chinos that were on sale at $30 πŸ™‚

Here’s the smallest cinema in the universe:


Only 61 seats! This is in the local independent Randwick cinema, and it was in this tiny room we saw Wreck-It Ralph yesterday. What a delightful film! If you have even a passing interest in video gaming of any kind you’ll love this movie, so go see it!

Dinner was an Australian rip-off of Chipotle Grill:


And then during the evening I consumed criminal amounts of cheese & onion chips and mini cherry ripes. This was because I felt better at the time, but I’m paying for it now (the next morning).

Adam says “Starve a cold; feed a fever.” I should listen to him πŸ™

2 Responses to “Wreck-It Robert”

  1. mycroft says:

    That would be…feed a cold, starve a fever.

  2. mycroft says:

    Doesn’t always work, obviously πŸ™‚