Last Day

On our last day we went shopping, of course! Specifically, back to Akihabara.


The sun had followed us from Kyoto and the crowds were large. It was an uncomfortable day.



Lunch was at a Chinese restaurant on the 8th floor of Yodobashi.


After lunch, KLS left for Korean cosmetic shops in Shinjuku and B and I hit the UFO machines, many of which contained all new stuff since last week!



After a while we had second lunch…


Before splitting up as well. Bernard headed back to the inn (via a luggage purchase) and I scoured figure stores for my Guyver Imakarum – which I never found. I ended up staying in Akiba for almost 8 hours, and was ruined when I finally called it a day.

Here’s our last night on the shopping street near our ryokan:


Our next destination will be home 🙂

2 Responses to “Last Day”

  1. alma says:

    Congratulations to you three amigos. Japan will miss you running around looking and visiting their great country. We will miss the exciting and very informative blogs. We actually were there with you dressed incognito hiding behind temples lanterns and deer!!! We do feel we were with as your commentaries were so good.

  2. mycroft says:

    Monster spring rolls!

    And I concur with AS – very entertaining blogging from you both.