Summer Vacation #2

Next week, JBF and I are off on a vacation to Canada! Specifically, we’re training to Montreal and then Quebec City (and then back).


All told we’ll spend over 20 hours on trains, and in the two cities I hope to explore some of the older parts with European influence. For instance, we’re going to stay in a converted castle in Quebec City!


Needless to say, you can follow our exploits on this very blog. Needless to also say, you can probably expect a postcard or two as well.

Who knows, peut-être qu’ils vont être rédigés en français!

One Response to “Summer Vacation #2”

  1. alma says:

    Maybe your blog will be written in French if you polish up your french language skills.

    The Chateau Frontenac that you and Jim are staying at was in a movie I watched yesterday called ” I Confess” made by Alfred Hitchcock in 1953. Its a really good movie.

    We wish you and Jim safe and wonderful holiday.