NYCC 2013 Day 2

Today is KLS’s birthday! Did you wish her a happy birthday? As with hundreds (thousands?) of other people, she’d spend her birthday in the Javits center πŸ™‚

Very early this morning, before we left for the con, we had a visitor. This guy was on our windowsill:


He seemed a bit dazed, and we think he may have flown into a window. But he was gone when we returned later in the day.

On to the first full day of NYCC! Here’s what the floor looks like when you get VIP early entry:


Today we planned to visit every booth. We had no panels to attend so we had the time, and we didn’t want to miss anything. One of the first things I did was get this guys autograph:


That’s Nicholas Briggs, who has done all Dalek voices since Doctor Who returned and is also one of the guys that runs Big Finish who make Who audio dramas. He’s signing one I had just bought. He was a very pleasant guy, and when I asked him to ask Steve Moffat to do more ‘abandoned base invasion’ stories he (whispered that) agreed with me πŸ™‚

A little later at the same booth, this guy was there:


His line was massive. Such a difference from back in ’09 when he was sitting, mostly ignored, in a much smaller booth. I’ll line up for him tomorrow perhaps.

Attendance today was colossal. Here is a shot of the same artists room from yesterday:


And here is the autograph hall:


It might be a little hard to see, but there was a line that ran the full length of the hall. Many hundreds of people were lining up for hours, not for Gillian Anderson, or Felicia Day, or even John Barrowman. No this monstrous line was for Jason David Frank, aka the green Power Ranger. The mind boggles!

As we were wandering in here, KLS pointed to a distinguished looking man walking by himself mostly ignored by the throngs. He had handlers, but they did nothing when I approached and asked him “Are you who I think you are?” He smiled and gave a noncommittal response before heading to his seat at the autographing table. It was Anthony Daniels, aka C-3PO πŸ™‚

Oh, and a bit later Guinan Whoopi was just walking around the show floor:


There are hundreds of exhibitors at the con, selling a massive array of geek stuff. I’m partial to books, toys and games. Had a great time looking at lots of all today, including some very unusual and rare examples, such as this Turkish Star Wars figure…


Or this lunatic rare item:


Yes, it’s just the empty packaging for $500. We had a great chat to the guy selling this, who happens to be the world expert on this toy line from 1968 and had the full set (valued at 25k) of 8 figures on display.

Oh and here’s something my brother may want for Xmas. Bernard, leave a comment if you love this like I know you will!


Cosplay time! Let’s start with a slightly different take on a commonly seen SW character:


And here’s the same gilt I posed with yesterday, now as catwoman:


Some great (and I mean that!) Kingdom Hearts:


And a fleeting shot of a certain yellow hero chasing a ghost…


We took a brief siesta at a hotel in the late afternoon, and then returned for an entertaining cosplay contest. When it had finished the sun was long gone and the con had finished for the day. Here’s what it looked like:


We were there over nine hours today. We’ll do the same tomorrow, although we have plans to attend up to 6 hours of panels. It should also be the most attended day by far, and the biggest celebrities will be in attendance as well.

It should be a great and tiring day πŸ™‚

One Response to “NYCC 2013 Day 2”

  1. Bernard says:

    If you buy me that Star Trek Mutant Turtle I will set it on fire.