Snow Day

Yesterday we went shopping and were surprised, as the day got old, to see a heavy snowfall start. As usual we had both ignored the weather forecast.

And when we woke today we found this:


That’s the view looking out of our garage. Surreal isn’t it? That’s about 25 cm of snow, deeper even than the blades of our snow thrower. It was one of the biggest snowfalls we’ve seen since we bought this house.


The timing was fortuitous, since I had to get the snow thrower all ready before my trip in case KLS needed it. Thick as the snow was, it made short work of it.


Many of you are reading this thinking “So what, it’s just snow”. But it’s been a while since I did a ‘snow post’ and I imagine the readers from down under still find the subject a bit exotic 🙂


In less than two weeks I’ll leave this weather behind for sunny Australia. Wouldn’t it be fun if I could bring a snowfall with me?

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