Day Three

Today is KLS’s birthday! What better way to spend it than in endless lines at comic con? 🙂


It was raining this morning when we set out just before 9. Not remarkable in itself, but we couldn’t remember it ever raining during a con before. Luckily we were prepared, and even better because of our VIP tickets we were able to check out umbrellas and not cart them around all day.

I had grand plans! I was going to get Patrick Stewart’s autograph today for a certain someone, so we rushed down to the autograph area as soon as the doors opened. However it turns out he canceled, and apparently ended up not making the con at all today:


I hope he is there tomorrow!

We attended three panels during our very long day. The first was Monster Hunter 4U, which featured the Japanese producer and made the game look awesome. As if I wasn’t going to buy it!


The second was a Star Wars Rebels panel featuring the voice actress for Hera. The first half of the panel was dreadfully boring, but then they played an entire episode that won’t screen for a few weeks which was cool.

The last panel was actually a Cosplay contest preceded by a cirque de soleil performance. This ran until 10pm, which meant we didn’t get back to our hotel until over 13 hours since we’d left. Yes we’re very tired! The Cosplay contest was great though, and the average quality was breathtaking!


That’s one of the competitors doing Wonder Woman. She was pretty 🙂

So what else today? Well of course we saw other (non-competing) cosplayers:



We saw more retro toys:



Many wonderful and expensive figurines:


And I made another friend:


And yes many things were purchased. Maybe I’ll detail the swag when I get home…

Since so much time was spent sitting in lines or panels today, I harvested many 3DS street passes:


I’ve gotten well over 200 so far since Thursday, including from several overseas guests. Even from quite distant shores:


And about 90%+ all have Smash Bros as their most recent game.

Tomorrow is the final day. Even though we’ve spent about 25 hours at the con so far, there’s still a lot to do. For starters, I haven’t looked at comics yet! Plus I want Mr Stewart’s autograph.

But right now I’m ruined and need sleep badly. Goodnight everyone…

One Response to “Day Three”

  1. mycroft says:

    Can’t believe youse got to meet the publisher of “Legendary Times” mag ;-p

    That Bill action figure is disturbingly bad. Imagine being given it as a kid!