Just An Update

Sorry for the so long since the last post. I’ll attribute it to a mix of being sick last week and being extra busy due to giving a midterm last week as well.

Not much to tell though…although I *did* buy a ticket to Australia (just me, not KLS) so that’s something exciting. I’ll be there shortly after Christmas and stay through mid January.

We haven’t made any effort to remove the autumn leaves yet, and they are starting to pile up, especially out the front. Even so, the ‘big trees’ have yet to shed most of their leaves, so the worst is definitely to come. I smiled when I got home today to find a flyer from a local landscaping company offering ‘fall cleanups’, especially since our neighbour with her immaculately raked lawn had no such flyer tucked into her front door.

Yesterday I bought Eye Of Judgment, the Playstation3 online CCG that uses a camera for card recognition. Immediately after this post I’m off to devote a few hours to the game. Expect my opinions later this weekend…

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