
It seems an evil technömancer took the blog down shortly after my arrival, but my righteous brother managed to get things working only milliseconds after arriving home in the USA.

Since I’ve been tweeting like a madman, I’ll summarize the missed days in a few posts, then continue as usual as I move into the last 4 days of my trip.

So, to continue on where I left off…


That’s a view of Wollongong beach. The city is about 90 minutes south of Sydney, and Adam and I visited for two nights. We were very impressed by what we saw, especially the foreshore and Harbour:



The first day we explored the CBD (including a large mall) and the foreshore area. To my great joy, I found a near-perfect replacement for my still-beloved lost black floppy hat:


We also saw some intriguing graffiti murals:



My hotel room was comfy and gargantuan, and I rested well to prepare for the next day which we packed with activities. First we took a short train ride south to visit the Southern Hemispheres largest Buddhist temple:


It’s a sprawling complex with many buildings and was bigger than any I’d seen in Japan. Worth a visit if you’re in the area.



Afterwards we returned to the city, and hopped on a (free) bus which took us – unexpectedly – to the botanical gardens, which were very nice and again, worth visiting.


On our way to Wollongong we didn’t know if there would be any New Years celebrations. As it turns out there was, and around 6pm on the 31st we headed again down to the harbour to partake in the festivities.


As with most everything else we saw in Wollongong we were impressed. There were rides, wonderful food vendors, live music, show bags (!!), many many people and other things to see which all led up to a fantastic fireworks show over the harbour at 9 pm:



I very much enjoyed Wollongong, and am glad we went. If you’re looking for an escape not far from Sydney, I recommend the southern coast!

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