Snow Day

KLS and I rarely keep up with the weather forecast, so we were a bit surprised to hear last night that a blizzard was incoming.

It hit us hard today, and along with the foot+ of snow came incredible cold. Below -15C at its worst!


Both our workplaces closed today, so we just stayed warm inside while the snow came down. But eventually the driveway had to be cleared, so we went out…


Even with four layers on top, two pairs of pants (!) and two pairs of gloves it was still brutal outside. I can’t remember it ever snowing in such temperatures, and since the snow was heavy it took me a while to remove it all.



KLS mostly stayed warm inside!


It’s been a very snowy winter so far, and I don’t doubt we’ve got a lot more to come. I usually enjoy removing it, but I’d prefer it were the temperature a little closer to freezing!


3 Responses to “Snow Day”

  1. jf says:

    I bet you were wishing you were still in Australia.

  2. Bernard says:

    This is unimaginable. I’m getting around in a short sleeved shirt and the other day was debating whether to put the roof down on my car for the drive home!

    At least you don’t need to shovel all that snow.

  3. jf says:

    Bernard, you should book a flight to Albany immediately. There’s another storm coming. I think RS might let you run the snow blower!